Tuesday, December 27, 2016

DIY - Adding leather to a knit pouch

I just finished knitting a pouch for my friend and she requested me to add something for unique look so since I still have a lot leftover leather from last project I decided to add a piece of leather

Adding leather to a knit pouch


Hole spacing
(from photo: 1/4  inch)
Note: I use the Altoids box as guide to cut out the leather piece 
Hole punch: With a nail and hammer to make the holes

Sew: Thread your needle and sew the leather onto the knit pouch

Finish. An easy project can be done within 15 mins


Thursday, December 22, 2016

My fist DIY post - Leather Pouch

Check out the video

This is an alternative way to sew a leather pouch without fancy craft tools. It's more work but worth saving you the money if you don't plan to work on leather often.

                  Materials you will need which are the basic items you can find in your garage                
I am replacing the hole punch and the spacing tools with a nail, ruler and hammer

Measure the material
FYI I am making a pouch for my flint striker

Cut your leather piece

Apply glue to side and bottom edges to the inside of your piece of leather

Fold your leather in half with the outside facing in and pin it closed with some clips. Allow 2 mins for glue to dry

                                Using a ruler to mark up 1/4″ spacing along the side and bottom of the pouch.

                                                   Using the nail and hammer to punch holes

Thread your needle

Sew through the holes and you are done